Auto Insurance Quote Forms
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Auto Insurance Information
Auto insurance shields you from financial loss in the event of a collision. It is an agreement between you and your insurance provider, in which you pay the premium and the insurance provider pays your losses as detailed in your policy.
Auto insurance coverage options include property, liability and medical expenses:
- Property: covers repairs, replacement or theft of your car
- Liability: covers your legal responsibility to third parties for property damage or bodily injury
- Medical expenses: covers medical costs, rehabilitation, lost wages and, in the worse cases, funeral expenses
While many other types of coverages are available, most states only require you to buy liability coverage. However, if you’re financing a car, your lender may have requirements as well.
Most standard auto insurance policies last for six months to a year. Your insurance provider should notify you when a payment is due and when it is time to renew your policy.
Why is auto insurance important?
Its main purpose is to financially protect yourself.
- If you’re in a wreck or your vehicle is stolen, it can cost a lot of money to repair or replace it.
- If you or any third parties are injured in a crash, medical expenses can be very costly.
- If you or your vehicle is responsible for property damage or injury to third parties, you may face an expensive lawsuit.
- All states require you to have at least liability coverage, though laws and regulations vary.
What to discuss with your agent
Your independent agent is there to assist you in finding an auto insurance policy that meets your unique needs and budget. Be prepared to discuss the following before buying a policy:
- Your budget constraints, including a deductible you can afford in the event of an accident
- Discounts you may qualify for, such as good driver, good student and multi-line policy
- The procedure of filing a claim
- The insurance provider’s reputation for customer service and ability to pay claims
Want to know if you’re covered correctly?
Contact us today for a free policy review
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